In class one of my professors, Dr. Tuell, shared with us a few of his favorite Martin Luther King Jr. quotes, and it got me thinking which one would I consider my favorite. Though admittedly the reservoir of King’s speeches in my brain is fairly limited, the portion I am going to share is…
Author: ptsblog
Beginning to Swim, er, I mean, Preach
Preaching. It was a word I had come to loathe, because there is no humanly way to avoid it, at least that I have discovered. Once you tell people you are going to seminary, there is a high probablility their immediate response is to say, “Oh, so you want to be a preacher?” Now, I have…
Faith: As The Waters Cover The Sea
Advent lectionary on the PCUSA website has Isaiah 11: 1-9 listed multiple times. The narrative is titled “The Peaceful Kingdom” in my NRSV Bible. The narrative offers an image of peace: wolf and lamb, leopard and kid, calf and lion, cow and bear. The powerful shall be led by a little child. A child can play alongside…