Written by Lynn Holden, counselor, spiritual director, and a graduate of PTS’s Spiritual Formation Certification program, and brought to you by the Continuing Education Office at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Hebrews 3:1-11
1 Therefore, brothers and sisters, holy partners in a heavenly calling, consider that Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession, 2 was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses also “was faithful in all God’s house.“ 3 Yet Jesus is worthy of more glory than Moses, just as the builder of a house has more honor than the house itself. 4 (For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.) 5 Now Moses was faithful in all God’s house as a servant, to testify to the things that would be spoken later. 6 Christ, however, was faithful over God’s house as a son, and we are his house if we hold firm the confidence and the pride that belong to hope.
7 Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says,
“Today, if you hear his voice,
8 do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion,
as on the day of testing in the wilderness,
9 where your ancestors put me to the test,
though they had seen my works 10 for forty years.
Therefore I was angry with that generation,
and I said, ‘They always go astray in their hearts,
and they have not known my ways.’
11 As in my anger I swore,
‘They will not enter my rest.’”
“Holy partners in a heavenly calling”…that’s us! How did you hear those words when you read this passage from Hebrews? (Or did you even really hear them?) Linger here for a moment. Attend to the thoughts, feelings, and desires these few words evoke in you:
Take note, also, of the images and bodily sensations that surface when you are addressed as a “holy partner in a heavenly calling.” Do you believe that the interior movements you experienced are unique to you, and are valuable? Do you believe that the Holy Spirit is revealing something to you, through these distinctive and involuntary responses of your heart, mind, body, and imagination? Do you believe that this is worthy of your attention? Are you open to receiving the message? God’s counting on it!
Christ Jesus, you know, better than anyone, that the needs are great. What are you counting on from me? What is mine to do? I want to be your holy partner in a heavenly calling. Give me the gift of discernment and a willing heart so that my energies are directed toward my part, and not dissipated on the work that you have for others. Holding firm the confidence and the pride that belong to hope, I pray, Amen.