message from the vice president for seminary advancement

Every gift that the Seminary received has enabled us to teach, to do research, and to enrich communities today and into the future. All of the donations that have been given year over year are not only appreciated, but also help the Seminary to evolve and grow. There is never a limit to how often one can say, “THANK YOU.” We marvel at the wonderful opportunities that have been provided through the generosity of many. PTS is grateful for all that our donors have done and continue to do. 

At the end of each fiscal year, members of the Seminary administration reflect upon the year that has concluded. We take the time to discuss the impact that so many individuals, congregations, foundations, directors, and others have made on the Seminary by their fiscal contributions. We are well aware of what these gifts have allowed PTS to do, and your faithfulness in trusting that we will continue to be obedient to our mission in being “a community of Christ joining in the Spirit’s work of forming and equipping people for ministries familiar and yet to unfold and communities present and yet to be gathered.” 

As a Seminary, we honor and acknowledge the generosity of all who have given and continue to give, and encourage others who may be interested in giving to learn more about how gifts can alter the trajectory of the Seminary, the students, the faculty, and many others.  

Again, we say “THANK YOU” for the gifts that have been received which allow for Pittsburgh Theological Seminary to continue to be and grow into the seminary that prepares students to participate fully in God’s work in the world.

The Rev. Charles L. Fischer III

The Seminary is grateful to the individuals, churches, and foundations who provide scholarship funding to ensure our students can receive a quality education without incurring heavy educational debt. Listed here are the endowed scholarships established in the 2021-2022 fiscal year. 

The Christ United Church Presbyterian AIM Graduate Network Program Endowment was established in January 2022, and supports the Center for Adaptive and Innovative Ministry at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. This endowment is funded by Christ United Presbyterian Church, Youngstown, Ohio, and supports in perpetuity the Seminary’s mission of forming and equipping people for ministries familiar and yet to unfold and communities present and yet to be gathered.

The Frank and Carol Sparks Merit Scholarship Endowment was established in May 2021, to honor William Franklin Sparks and Carol Cowden Sparks. This endowment supports students entering into, or those who are currently engaged in, pastoral ministry, and aids students in perpetuity.

The Rev. Frank David and Mary Burnham Throop Scholarship Endowment honors the lives and ministries of David and the late Mary Throop, graduates of the Class of 1971 from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. David received a master of divinity, and Mary earned a master of religious education. Both exhibited a loving passion for ministries which served the Gospel of Jesus Christ during the six years David was pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Sac City, Iowa, and then during the 34 years he was pastor of Placentia Presbyterian Church, Placentia, Calif. David previously served as a member of the Board of Directors of PTS from 2005 to 2014. Established in May 2022, the endowment provides merit scholarships for students who seek to serve Jesus Christ in a pastoral or specialized ministry.

Seminary giving societies honor donors

Gifts to the Seminary come from many sources including our alumnae/i, friends, Board members, employees, churches, judicatories, and foundations. These gifts support the Annual Fund, financial aid, resource programs, and beyond.

2021-2022 UnaUdiTed oPeraTing bUdgeT