The annual W. Don McClure Lectures were held Sept. 29-30, 2014. Keynote speaker Daniel Jeyaraj, professor of world Christianity and director of the Andrew Walls Centre at Liverpool Hope University in Liverpool, UK, presented two lectures on the theme "Engaging with God and the Gospel Cross-Culturally." 

"Discovering God's Word Among the People of Other Faiths" This lecture explores the dynamics of early Bible translations in India. The European missionaries studied God’s Word in Hebrew, Greek, and in their native languages. They consulted their Indian partners and observed how Indian Christians perceived and interpreted God’s Word. Together, they discovered diverse challenges and new meanings. God’s Word became active in preaching, singing, and writing. 

"Introducing and Discovering God's Mission Among the People of Other Cultures" In this lecture Dr. Jeyaraj concentrates on the impacts of missionary reports in cross-cultural and disapora contexts. As a case study, Jeyaraj will highlight the impact of the Propagation of the Gospel in the East on Lutherans in Germany, Anglicans in England, and Puritans and Congregationalists in New England.

The annual W. Don McClure Lectures were held Sept. 29-30, 2014. Keynote speaker Daniel Jeyaraj, professor of world Christianity and director of the Andrew Walls Centre at Liverpool Hope University in Liverpool, UK, presented two lectures on the theme "Engaging with God and the Gospel Cross-Culturally." 

"Discovering God's Word Among the People of Other Faiths" This lecture explores the dynamics of early Bible translations in India. The European missionaries studied God’s Word in Hebrew, Greek, and in their native languages. They consulted their Indian partners and observed how Indian Christians perceived and interpreted God’s Word. Together, they discovered diverse challenges and new meanings. God’s Word became active in preaching, singing, and writing. 

"Introducing and Discovering God's Mission Among the People of Other Cultures" In this lecture Dr. Jeyaraj concentrates on the impacts of missionary reports in cross-cultural and disapora contexts. As a case study, Jeyaraj will highlight the impact of the Propagation of the Gospel in the East on Lutherans in Germany, Anglicans in England, and Puritans and Congregationalists in New England.