Alzheimer’s and Dementia 101

Alzheimer's and Dementia 101 

Half-day Workshop for Church Leaders

Postponed! New date TBD
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Trust . . . Confidentiality . . . Support . . . Prayer . . .These traits are what brings parishioners to their clergy or pastoral care teams to talk about their struggles with a diagnosis of “dementia” in their personal and/or family life. This seminar will help you to:

  • Identify warning signs
  • Understand the dementia diseases
  • Discover dementia resources
  • Assist dementia families who are struggling with extremely difficult decisions.

Please join us for a day of learning in a society where the number of dementia patients continues to rise. This event is for pastors, congregational care providers, parish nurses, and anyone desiring to learn more about how the church can be a resource for persons with dementia and their caregivers.

An optional lunch will be held afterwards at 1:00 p.m., for which tickets will be available at registration.