2015 Henderson S
ummer Leadership Conference
Join Pittsburgh Seminary, Norman Wirzba, and Fred Bahnson on June 7-10, 2015, for the 74th annual Henderson Summer Leadership Conference. This year's event will focus on "The Good Earth: Creation and Ministry in an Ecological Age." In addition to keynote presentations from Drs. Wirzba and Bahnson, guests will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of workshops and conversations with community leaders on themes relevant to sustainability and stewardship of the earth. There will be a Farm to Table Banquet and optional field trips to sites related to the conference's theme.
Free Public Lecture During the Conference
On Monday, June 8, 2015, at 4:30 p.m., our keynote speakers will present the J. Hubert Henderson Lecture on Church and Ministry entitled, "From Nature to Creation: What Difference Does it Make?" In this conversation Bahnson and Wirzba explore how the way we treat the natural world has everything to do with how we think about it. Too often we take the world for granted. Discovering the world as God’s creation opens the possibility for a more beautiful, healthy, and just life.
This lecture is free and open to the public. Registration for the lecture only is greatly appreciated so that we may plan accordingly to accommodate our guests. Those attending the Conference do not need to register separately for the lecture.
Other Keynote Presentation Topics
Monday 10:30 a.m.: "For God So Loved the World: Setting A Theological Context" In this presentation, Wirzba will present a biblical and theological framework for thinking about and loving creation. The wide scope of God’s love is explored so that people can appreciate the cosmic dimensions of God’s redemptive work.
Monday 1:30 p.m.: "Sons of Noah: Art, Faith, and Activism for the New Diluvian Age" We have now entered "decade zero" -- meaning we have only a decade to stop our planet from warming more than 2 degrees Celcius. Living in such a moment, Bahnson will address questions such as, Where do we find beauty and hope? How can art change the way we care for this world in which God will someday come to dwell?
Tuesday 10:30 a.m.: "Reconciliation Through Food and Farming" In this conversation Wirzba and Bahnson will explore how food and farming systems are an excellent window for understanding and addressing the healing of earth and our human communities.
Workshops / Schedule / Registration
Registration: Join us for the entire conference or just one event. To register, click above link and then SLC2015 link.
Full Conference (Sunday - Wednesday): $150
- Included with full conference registration: Breakout beverages/snacks each day; Sunday evening reception; Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday breakfasts and lunches; Tuesday dinner, and Tuesday movie. NOTE: Monday's Farm to Table Banquet is not included in the conference registration fee.
- Individual Day/Event Fees:
- Sunday evening: $10
- Monday, Tuesday, OR Wednesday: $75 each day
- Monday Public Lecture with Fred Bahnson and Norman Wirzba: FREE
- Farm to Table Banquet (Monday evening; optional item in addition to conference registration fee): $30
- Movie Night on Tuesday evening: The Power of One Voice: A 50-Year Perspective on the Life of Rachel Carson followed by discussion with the director, Mark Dixon. Suggested donation of $10 for those not attending the conference.
There is limited lodging available on a first come/first served basis at the Seminary campus. If you would like to reserve a room for the conference, please contact Sandy Smith by phoning 412-924-1397 or e-mailing . Rooms are $60/night.
About the Speakers
Norman Wirzba, Professor of Theology and Ecology, Duke Divinity School
Fred Bahnson, Director of the Food, Faith, and Religious Leadership Initiative, Wake Forest University School of Divinity
Contact the Office of Continuing Education at or 412-924-1345.