This Fall the PC(USA) is publishing a new denominational songbook, Glory To God, and so an introduction to the new Presbyterian Hymnal will be presented in a workshop and hymn festival on Saturday, April 20, 2013 at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. This is an opportunity for pastors, musicians, worship committees, educators and all who may be interested. There will be two morning workshops. The first will be led by David Eicher, Editor of Glory to God whose topic is "Glory to God: Traditional, Contemporary, Global, Ecumenical." The second will be led by Rev. Dr. Edwin Chr. van Driel, Assistant Professor, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and the theologian on the hymnal committee whose topic is "The Making of a Hymnal, the Theological Story of Glory to God".

The schedule begins with registration at 9:00 A.M., and the hymn festival will be at 1:15. Fees are $25 for PAM members, $30 for non-PAM members, and $25 per person with a group of 3 or more.There is no fee for PTS students but they must register for lunch. Registration deadline is April 12. This regional event is being presented by the Presbyterian Association of Musicians (PAM), Pittsburgh Chapter.

For more information please contact Barbara McKelway, or 412-366-4513.

 This Fall the PC(USA) is publishing a new denominational songbook, Glory To God, and so an introduction to the new Presbyterian Hymnal will be presented in a workshop and hymn festival on Saturday, April 20, 2013 at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. This is an opportunity for pastors, musicians, worship committees, educators and all who may be interested. There will be two morning workshops. The first will be led by David Eicher, Editor of Glory to God whose topic is "Glory to God: Traditional, Contemporary, Global, Ecumenical." The second will be led by Rev. Dr. Edwin Chr. van Driel, Assistant Professor, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and the theologian on the hymnal committee whose topic is "The Making of a Hymnal, the Theological Story of Glory to God".

The schedule begins with registration at 9:00 A.M., and the hymn festival will be at 1:15. Fees are $25 for PAM members, $30 for non-PAM members, and $25 per person with a group of 3 or more.There is no fee for PTS students but they must register for lunch. Registration deadline is April 12. This regional event is being presented by the Presbyterian Association of Musicians (PAM), Pittsburgh Chapter.

For more information please contact Barbara McKelway, or 412-366-4513.