young adult formation in Pittsburgh

Since 1997, The Rev. Dr. Roy F. Miller and Mrs. Florence Lantz Miller Summer Youth Institute (SYI) at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary has helped young adults and undergraduate learners engage the questions, Who is God calling me to be? What is God calling me to do in the world?

SYI provides opportunities for young adults and those transitioning from college to early career to practice intensive theological reflection and deep vocational discernment through participation in living-learning communities. We believe that young people are uniquely positioned to attend to the diverse works of God in the world, hence our commitment to developing relevant programming that supports young adults in speaking back into our congregations and institutions of higher learning.

We invite you to explore our initiatives and resources for undergraduate and young adult empowerment, theological formation, vocational discernment, and common study.

SYI Fellowship for Undergraduates

The Miller Summer Youth Institute offers a fellowship for undergraduates enrolled in a college or university. Explore our summer fellowship opportunity to see if it might be a good fit for you or someone you know.

Young Adult Leadership Link at Presbyterian College

This unique five-day event offers high school students the opportunity to explore their callings and gifts for church leadership. Learn more.

SYI in the Community

SYI is actively seeking partnerships with non-profit organizations and congregations who are interested in developing programming related to justice work in the community. If you're interested in starting a conversation, please complete the contact form below. 

SYI at Pittsburgh Seminary

SYI offers unique mission experiences for congregations seeking to explore ministry and mission work in a new way. Pairing the resources of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary with our ministry partners, SYI mission experiences will help your church rethink mission trips.

SYI at Westminster College

Miller SYI at Westminster College (New Wilmington, Pa.) provides an opportunity for individuals and young people to experience ministry, mission, and study on our campus. Participants will study with college and seminary faculty, participate in service and ministry projects, and consider who God is calling them to be and what God is calling them to do in their communities. This program is currently on hold.


SYI is part of the PTS Neighborhood Collaborative. Read our Event/Class Guidelines and Policies.

Connect with SYI

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