Listen to audio from recent events at the Seminary including Continuing Education lectures, workshop series, and worship sermons.

Baccalaureate Sermon

The Rev. Dr. M. Craig Barnes, Robert Meneilly Professor of Leadership and Ministry at PTS and pastor of Shadyside Presbyterian Church, preached the baccalaureate sermon. Listen to his sermon.

Professor Tuell Installed

The Rev. Dr. Steven S. Tuell was recently installed into the James A. Kelso Associate Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Chair. Watch the video from this event.


Schaff Lectures

Keynote speaker Dr. Daniel Aleshire, executive director of The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, presented the annual Schaff Lectures. This year's lectures addressed “Finding Our Way in the Wilderness: Theological Education and Ministry in a Changing Church and Society”. Specific lectures titles included "Egypt: The Past that We Think the Seminary Served”, “Wilderness: The Changing Seminary and Church” , “Promise: A Faithful Future for Theological Education for the Church” .

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3



Listen to audio from recent events at the Seminary including Continuing Education lectures, workshop series, and worship sermons.

Baccalaureate Sermon

The Rev. Dr. M. Craig Barnes, Robert Meneilly Professor of Leadership and Ministry at PTS and pastor of Shadyside Presbyterian Church, preached the baccalaureate sermon. Listen to his sermon.

Professor Tuell Installed

The Rev. Dr. Steven S. Tuell was recently installed into the James A. Kelso Associate Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Chair. Watch the video from this event.


Schaff Lectures

Keynote speaker Dr. Daniel Aleshire, executive director of The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, presented the annual Schaff Lectures. This year's lectures addressed “Finding Our Way in the Wilderness: Theological Education and Ministry in a Changing Church and Society”. Specific lectures titles included "Egypt: The Past that We Think the Seminary Served”, “Wilderness: The Changing Seminary and Church” , “Promise: A Faithful Future for Theological Education for the Church” .

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3


Chapel Audio
Additional audio files from previous events