Lenten Devotional April 15, 2022


1 Peter 1:10-20

10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, 11 trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow. 12 It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told to you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things. 13 Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. 14 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. 15 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” 17 Since you call on a Father who judges each person’s work impartially, live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear. 18 For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 20 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.


The Rev. Brian Sandell ’12

As human beings we live in a world that is filled with a lot of noise. Phone calls. Spotify. Television. Radio. The list of noise that fills our world goes on and on. On average, human beings have 42 conversations a day. There is noise all around us, but the question remains: are we listening? Are we paying attention?

Our text in 1 Peter reminds us that the prophets told of God’s grace that would come to us (v. 10) and shared with us that the sufferings of the Messiah would lead to glory (v. 11). The prophets were able to share the Gospel because of the Holy Spirit’s power (v. 12). Listen deeply. Listen intently. This Lenten season may we pay attention to what God is telling us and what God is showing us.

When we do listen and pay attention to what God is sharing with us, it will lead to a transformed life. Our desires will change. Our minds will change. Our hearts will change when we listen to God’s voice in our lives. As Peter reminds us in v. 15, be holy in all you do. Holiness can be complex but also incredibly simple. The simple understanding of holiness is loving Jesus above anyone and anything else in this life. When you and I seek to live lives that are focused on holiness, we truly will be free from the emptiness of the pleasures of this world and free to live fully as children of God pursuing holiness all of our days.


Lord God, we step into your presence once again on this Lenten journey. Revive us, restore us, and cause us our hearts to listen and respond. May we listen to the wise words of your revealed word, your prophets, your Son, and the Holy Spirit. May our lives be focused on pursuing holiness and loving Jesus above everything else. Amen.

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