Meet Our Doctor of Ministry Students

Cohort in Community
Corinne Cameron is grateful for the D.Min. Program. "It's been a gift to my soul." The cohort model has provided community and support throughout the program.
Reflecting on What God is Up To
Brenda Henry is excited about reflecting on what is God is up to and how God is challenging us to engage with our congregations and our communities.
Reimagined Ministry
Gad Mpoyo is being equipped to reimagine and think differently about how we serve our community and how we join in what God is already doing in our neighborhood.
Hope, Beauty, and Peace
DMin student Mike Haddox says that the Creative Writing and Public Theology cohort has been life-giving to his ministry. In his cohort they have found ways to bring a message of hope, beauty, and peace into the world.
Leading God's People
James Clements is excited about how the Seminary is preparing him to "lead some of God's greatest people to do God's greatest mission."
Different Ministry Contexts
Doctor of Ministry grad Joel Wood appreciates that the cohort of American and Scots were able to learn together about one another's context in the Reformed Theology focus.
Taking Back What is Learned
Student David Wirt says: "I have been able to take back after each term to my congregation the gifts that I have received here at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary."
Cohort Model Benefits
D.Min. Missional Leadership student Jeff Sims reflects on the cohort model and how it shapes him as a pastor to advance the practice of pastoral care.
Risking Faithfully
DMin Risking Faithfully cohort student Steve Hong enjoys being a part of the program and taking time to reflect and learn more about himself and who he is called to be as a pastor.
Creativity of God and God's People
Porsha Williams Gates is excited about this cohort because it brings together the creativity of God and the creativity of people from diverse backgrounds to express themselves through writing and storytelling.
Learning Focus
"This program gives me the opportunity to concentrate on how the Black church has shaped and is shaping Christendom," says Ebony Grisom.
Engaging Across the Atlantic
MaryAnn Robertson Rennie reflects on how the Reformed Theology focus challenged her worship and encouraged her to talk to her congregation more about theology.