Lent Devotional 2024

Each year Pittsburgh Theological Seminary offers our free Advent and Lent devotionals and resource kits as our gift to you! 

Lent Resource Kit

In addition to the Lent Devotional below, the Seminary also offers a Lent Resource Kit with additional materials for your personal or corporate worship. Read sermons, watch videos, access kids' activities, and get inspired this season! Access the Lent Resource Kit.

Lent Devotional 

This year’s Lent Devotional was written by Pittsburgh Theological Seminary community. Thanks to all who contributed! And a special thanks to our students and friend of the Seminary Anthony Tuell who voiced this year's recordings.


Feb. 14, 2024 | The Rev. Carolyn Cranston ’99 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 15, 2024 | The Rev. Andrew Wirt ’10 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 16, 2024 | The Rev. Robin Sharp ’18 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 17, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. William Zachery Jr. ’12 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 18, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Rick Willhite ’86 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 19, 2024 | The Rev. Jelty Ochotan ’11 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 20, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Jeffrey D. Sterling ’88/’98 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 21, 2024 | The Rev. Emily I. Miller ’07 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 22, 2024 | The Rev. Kristen Renee Barner ’97 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 23, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Scott Dennis ’13 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 24, 2024 | The Rev. Anthony R.C. Hita ’13 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 25, 2024 | The Rev. Annamarie Groenenboom ’17 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 26, 2024 | The Rev. Trevor Jamison ’01 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 27, 2024 | Lynn Cox ’14 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 28, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Jonathan D. Lawrence ’97 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 29, 2024 | The Rev. Erin Morey ’22 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 1, 2024 | The Rev. Connie B. Hoeke ’94 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 2, 2024 | The Rev. Darryl Lockie ’17 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 3, 2024 | Simeon Rodgers ’23 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 4, 2024 | The Rev. B.T. Gilligan ’11 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 5, 2024 | Elizabeth Nicodemus ’23 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 6, 2024 | The Rev. James Golla ’16 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 7, 2024 | Caroline Baker ’23 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 8, 2024 | Raymond Pelling ’23 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 9, 2024 | The Rev. Joshua Fisher ’14 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 10, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Cindy Parker ’10 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 11, 2024 | The Rev. Ronnie Cox ’23 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 12, 2024 | The Rev. Jeff Bergeson ’14 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 13, 2024 | The Rev. Audra Krise ’10 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 14, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Tom Hoeke ’03 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 15, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Rebecca Cole-Turner ’14 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 16, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Graham D. S. Deans ’06 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 17, 2024 | The Rev. M. Catherine (Kay) Day ’97 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 18, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Richard W. Wingfield ’02/’13 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 19, 2024 | The Rev. Rebecca Konegen ’22 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 20, 2024 | The Rev. Chad Bogdewic ’10/’13 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 21, 2024 | The Rev. Greg Steible ’14 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 22, 2024 | The Rev. Mark Allio ’11 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 23, 2024 | The Rev. Helen Kester ’06 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 24, 2024 | The Rev. Lauren Davis ’22 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 25, 2024 | The Rev. Drew Himes ’13 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 26, 2024 | The Rev. Sarita L. Robinson ’23 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 27, 2024 | Nathan Salamacha ’23 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 28, 2024 | Steffan Johnson ’23 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 29, 2024 | Jon Mathieu ’21 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 30, 2024 | The Rev. Alyce Weaver Dunn ’88 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 31, 2024 | Wendy S. Farone ’20 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

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  2. Complete the required information and select Devotionals (Advent and Lent). Please note that other e-newsletters are available.
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  2. Follow the link in the e-mail sent from GoDaddy with the subject line "Edit your subscription to Pittsburgh Theological Seminary."
  3. Select "Devotionals (Advent and Lent)" and click "Update."
  4. Please note, if you would like to subscribe to the Devotional using a different e-mail from which you receive other Seminary e-newsletters, you will need to sign up using the “New Subscriber” instructions listed above.

For those with further questions or having difficulty signing up, please e-mail David Keys at .

Devotionals to Print and Share

We also offer a printed version of the devotional that's great for sharing with your small church group. You can request a printed copy be mailed to you by e-mailing or calling 412-362-5610. DOWNLOAD THE 2024 LENT DEVOTIONAL TO PRINT AND SHARE

Past Years

Advent Devotional 2023
Advent Devotional 2022
Advent Devotional 2021
Advent Devotional 2020
Advent Devotional 2019
Advent Devotional 2018
Advent Devotional 2017
Advent Devotional 2016
Advent Devotional 2015
Advent Devotional 2014
Advent Devotional 2013
Advent Devotional 2012
Advent Devotional 2011
Advent Devotional 2010
Advent Devotional 2009
Advent Devotional 2008

Lent Devotional 2023
Lent Devotional 2022
Lent Devotional 2021
Lent Devotional 2020
Lent Devotional 2019
Lent Devotional 2018
Lent Devotional 2017
Lent Devotional 2016
Lent Devotional 2015
Lent Devotional 2014

daily Lent Devotional 2023


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